Television entertainment took over stage plays in the 80s. Since then, the media has seen huge progress and popularity among people of all ages. Videos are known to gain more attention from people as it connects with them better and faster than mere texts.
The advantages of oral communication also come in the picture when we talk about visual media. When these visuals are merged with creative audio, the effect enhances to form the perfect form for conveying a certain message.
In 2009, when YouTube finally gained momentum, people were still adapting to the ways it worked on. This happened when the 11th US Congress launched their official Congressional channel on YouTube. Since then, people got accustomed to watching videos on YouTube. Until then, their major source of news and general awareness was television.
It is very evident that YouTube has been one of the fastest-growing networks. Video sharing and marketing have been popularized immensely in the past few years. People are spending billions of hours daily watching tutorials or lessons on YouTube.
We find people turning towards YouTube for entertainment, DIYs, to get guided regarding various things like recipes, crafts, etc, and much more. There is no such field that isn’t covered on YouTube. It is believed that YouTube has data of everything that ever existed or is currently an existing presence in the form of audio and visual videos.
According to recent studies, it is found that among the millennials, around two-thirds of videos watched are on YouTube across various devices. Also, time spent using YouTube has doubled over the years and has crossed the time spent on watching television. This highlights how YouTube has become a top-grossing application since 2009.
As we see the statistics regarding the increase in usage of YouTube, it is quite understandable how large a fanbase YouTube must-have. People are highly active on the platform and are constantly coming across new content each day. It is free and easily available to every person across the globe. It would be quite foolish to not take due advantage of this facility.
Expanding your business on a platform as viral as YouTube can save a lot of potential advertisement costs. Hence, growing your YouTube channel organically can help you gain a large number of audience and turn the spotlights on your business in a fascinatingly short time.
Here are some creative ways of increasing your YouTube reach organically:
Stick to the topic
When uploading videos, it is necessary to create them in a way that they revolve around a certain keyword or phrase. Deviating from the topic as the video signs of progress can only lead to people losing interest and not liking your content. That can be proven as major harm to your channel.
Many people still do not understand the utility of SEO. It is an integral part of digital marketing and one must study it carefully before indulging in the digital market. Proper Youtube SEO can prove to be highly useful when establishing a channel for business purposes.
It’s necessary to pick your keyword before you even form your video content since it helps in drafting your video in the correct direction. When you’ve picked your catchphrase, look at the recordings that are presently positioning for that video to ensure you’re progressing nicely as far as to plan and remember to exquisitely draft your title and depictions.
Increase Engagement
YouTube is a social media application and thus needs social engagement to work efficiently. It is necessary to keep your profile updated in order to sustain your subscribers. But beware. This doesn’t mean randomly posting videos. If you think simply posting is going to keep up activities then you’re missing the key factor.
Along with actively posting content, you also need to encourage healthy discussions in the comment section. This allows one to build a foundation of trust with their potential customers. Fun fact: YouTube rewards channels with high comment engagements too! You may have a chance of achieving fame. All you have to be is a chatterbox! That doesn’t sound like too much work, does it?
Promote Your Videos
One best thing about video content is the teasers! Who doesn’t love a good hype? In most cases, it is the hype created beforehand that plays a major role in the success of the main content. It helps generate curiosity among the people and spreads the word of its launch faster.
Using other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and many others, you can release a teaser of your video and gain the attention of interested people. Since you will be creating the hype a few days before the launch of the actual video, it will give you time to spread the word about your content even before it is out for the audience.
Face Reveal
Many YouTubers over the years of hard work have noticed one common thing. Showing up in the videos is likely to increase your reach. It is believed that if a person finds a face on the screen, they’re more likely to connect to it rather than a video with no real features.
However, it is not necessary to show up in all the videos. But an occasional engagement can keep you in touch with your viewers personally which can help you in the growth of your channel.
It doesn’t seem like an important point but it is. Your video thumbnail is the first thing your viewers will see. Just like any first impression, a thumbnail also sets the first impression for your video. So, it is advisable to use a creative and catchy thumbnail to drag the audience into viewing your content.
With every video, it is necessary to remind your audience to subscribe to your channel. It may seem like a general practice but it does have a lasting impact. Reminding the viewer to subscribe and like your channel at the end of a video has proven to be effective in many cases.
Although many companies are offering you to buy likes, subscribers & Views, it is advisable not to do so. Doing that will only wretch your authenticity and may also harm the engagement on your channel. This will further lead to a drop in your progress.
YouTube Cards
YouTube cards can help grow your channel in a tremendous way. It is a feature of YouTube that helps you to add additional recommended videos right after the viewer finishes watching one of your videos.
This helps in keeping the viewer engaged with your channel and hence, it increases your ranking. Longer the people stay on your channel, the higher your score.
Uploading Frequency
Every social media has its ideal uploading frequency which if utilized efficiently, can help in increasing your reach organically. For YouTube, it is recommended to upload one video every week to keep the engagements active.
The point of creating hype is interwoven with this tip. You may choose one day of the week to post a new video and use the rest of the days to drop hints about the upcoming ones. This will help in building hype and also keep the audience engaged until the next video is ready to be out.
YouTube is a pretty busy media and it is likely to market your business fascinatingly if correctly used.
Fix your Channel Profile 
First things first, perception is key so you need to make everything as attractive as possible. As shallow as that sounds, people only look at good things and if you’ve got a beautiful profile and a welcome video that engages the viewer, what have you even got to lose?
Your success and subscriber rate is closely related to how good your page looks. You need to grab the viewer’s attention.
Upload a great profile and cover photo
Make a catchy cover on websites such as Canva for free. Furthermore, make your profile something that defines you. Introduce yourself to the subscribers. Tell them things that make you interesting as well as a bit unique.
Why else would they want to subscribe? Add your social media accounts for them to explore you on various platforms.
Add a Welcome Video 
We can’t emphasise how important a welcome video is. Give the audience a preview of what to expect when they subscribe to your channel.
Keep it short yet entertaining. It should be a glimpse into the content you make and also an introduction to you as a YouTuber. Make sure to add an attractive description.
Regular content 
When it comes to content creation we would highly advise that you don’t start uploading immediately. Before you take the steps mentioned above, make sure that you have 5-10 videos lined up at least. This will ensure that you remain consistent in your uploading.
If you start your channel with only uploading once a week it is easy to feel stressed out about getting another video out. We suggest this to be on the safer side since it’s a very shiny world, people forget to plan ahead. They think it’ll be easy to make it as a YouTuber anyone can do it but the reality is far from what is perceived.
Also Check: Best Sites to Buy YouTube Likes, Views and Subscribers
Categorize your Channel 
To make really engaging content don’t be all over the place. Know your niche and stick to it. If you categorize your YouTube channel, it’ll be easier for you to stick to the plot. If you want to make a makeup channel, explore avenues such as various tutorials and hacks for beginners or even professionals. Try something in this niche that’s never been offered before.
Make content that sets you apart from the rest. Create special playlists and feature them on your profile page so that you give your viewers a direction as to how to go about your YouTube channel.
Engage with your audience 
Pay attention to the trends. While you can be original, you can also take advantage of trending social media happenings. Merge originality to include trending topics to engage with a wider audience.
Uploading videos on a trending topic is a great trick for you to garner more attention. People can stumble upon your content on search and relate to it more.
Ads and Influencer Marketing 
Being a YouTuber is all well and good but you also need to know how to make money on YouTube. Firstly, become a YouTube partner by enabling monetization on most of your videos, if not all since you can’t monetize copyrighted content.
Ad funding seems like a small venue but it’ll be a good boost for you to stimulate your YouTube channel. The right time to start looking at influencer marketing and sponsorship opportunities is as soon as you hit 1-2K subscribers. You can promote your own business while spreading awareness for name brands through videos, sponsored reviews/overviews, and subtle plugs like using their products in your videos.
Collaborate with Other YouTubers
Collaboration implementation and make or break your YouTube channel. If you’re smart about it, you can further your channel to greater heights. Don’t be under the misconception that famous YouTubers don’t need collaborations. They most definitely do. Once you’ve built a sizable amount of following, you can connect with other YouTubers whom you genuinely admire and want to collaborate with.
The goal is to also appear in a video on their channel while you feature them in yours. It’s a mutual promotion where both of you ask your viewers to check out content made by the other person. An ideal collaboration would be if you find a harmony where you can merge the genre of both channels and create something unique. It’s a great way to make new friends and add creative minds together in building channels. Significantly, it also introduces you to a newer audience.
Also Check: How to increase views on youtube: 10 best ways for 2023
Purchasing YouTube Views
View count is a very important factor for viewers to determine whether your video is watchable or not. It also defines the quality of your video, however bizarre that may sound. Your videos could be amazing but with no views, it’ll fail to garner the exposure it needs. So to come up from this stagnant phase, most YouTubers resort to buying YouTube views. They’ve turned to paid views to help market their videos.
Buying views generates views for your videos through bots or more authentic methods, you choose your method. They give the impression that your video is more attractive than it actually is. People usually gravitate to the video with more views, that’s just the reality of the trade. Companies such as Famoid will help you build a fan-base for yourself by creating a social proof that your channel needs.
It’ll also ensure higher rankings and improved credibility as YouTube takes views into consideration when ranking videos. And higher rankings also mean new subscribers. Using legitimate websites such as Famoid will ensure that you get what you paid for. Make sure you check the authenticity of every website you purchase from.
If you’re looking to jumpstart your channel or add some social proof to your videos, the methods mentioned above are crucial.
If you want to be a ‘YouTuber’, you need to realize that it’s not going to be as easy as it looks. And it’s harder is you want to be a YouTuber because you admire big YouTubers and wish to become like them.
But you surely shouldn’t let your initial nervousness get in the way of giving this powerful platform a chance. The most important thing you’ll need for a successful YouTube channel is probably something you already have – an understanding of who your audience is and what are they seeking that can be valuable to them.
If you are a small business or organization, building great content on YouTube will help your branding and show off your business expertise. It’s a great way to connect with a market and engage with the audience.