Home Social Media Buy Monetized YouTube Channel to Start a Cash Cow Channel To Make Money in 2024

Buy Monetized YouTube Channel to Start a Cash Cow Channel To Make Money in 2024

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This article elucidates why buying monetized YouTube channels could be a good idea, especially if you want to start a cash cow YouTube channel. Firstly, we cover why this could be a good idea. The reasons include monetization eligibility, making money immediately, and greater visibility, credibility, and discoverability on YouTube.

Now, if you’re not aware of a cash cow channel, you’re probably wondering what it is. Well, don’t worry. The second section of this article elucidates cash cow YouTube channels. 

Why should you buy Monetized YouTube Channel?

Buying a monetized YouTube channel has many different advantages. You’re probably already aware of how difficult it is to cross the monetization eligibility threshold on YouTube. If you’re not, we outline the monetization eligibility criteria for YouTube below so you can get an insight into the engagement metrics required to monetize your YouTube channel. 

Monetization Eligibility Criteria 

The monetization eligibility standards for YouTube solicit the following requirements for joining the YouTube Partner Program:

  1. You must have at least 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel.
  2. Moreover, you also require around 4000 hours of watch time on your videos within the last 12 months. 
  3. Additionally, you must be over 18 years of age.
  4. Your videos must comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines (You can also visit this link). Moreover, you must comply with these policies throughout your YouTube career.
  5. Finally, you must also comply with YouTube’s Channel Monetization Policies

1.1 Monetization Eligibility

Now that you’re aware of YouTube’s monetization eligibility criteria, you can probably gauge the advantage of buying a monetized YouTube channel instead. This way, you can save your time and effort because the monetization status has been activated once you start your YouTube channel. 

Starting from scratch requires dedication and hard work to reach a point on YouTube with 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in the last 12 months. Additionally, your videos must always comply with tonnes of policies and rules. So why not buy a YouTube channel instead and do the latter?

1.2 Making Money Immediately

Secondly, buying a monetized YouTube channel enables you to make money immediately, and you do not have to wait for a long time to get eligible for monetization. There are many different ways to monetize your YouTube channel. These are outlined in this section of the article.

  • #Ad Revenue
    After buying a monetized YouTube channel, you can immediately start earning revenue through in-stream ads in your YouTube videos. You can add pre-roll, mid-roll, or end-roll ads, as well as image and banner images in your YouTube videos as advertisements. However, to access this monetization feature, remember to abide by the Advertiser-Friendly Content Guidelines for YouTube Ads.
  • #Channel Memberships
    Furthermore, you can also buy monetized YouTube channel and earn through channel memberships. Channel memberships enable your fans to access certain features such as more interaction with you, hidden content, etc. Channel memberships Moreover, they can also get badges, emojis, etc., with a monthly payment to your channel. However, remember to abide by Channel Membership Guidelines for YouTube, as well as the eligibility requirements.
  • #Merch Shelf
    Moreover, you can buy monetized YouTube channel and access the merch shelf feature that enables you to sell your products and services on YouTube. You may sell branded products such as T-shirts, mugs, etc., or anything you’d want. This is especially advantageous for businesses on YouTube that can sell their products or services through the YouTube merch shelf immediately after buying a monetized YouTube channel.
  • #Super Chat and Super Stickers
    In addition, one can also buy monetized YouTube channel and earn money through Super Chat and Super Stickers for YouTube Chat. However, these features are only available in certain countries. You can read up on the Super Chat and Super Stickers Eligibility, Availability, and Policies.

1.3 Greater Visibility on YouTube

Furthermore, buying a monetized YouTube channel allows your channel to be more visible on YouTube. This is because the YouTube algorithm recommends monetized channels to audiences more often. If you use the right keywords, your monetized channel is also bound to have high visibility on search engines such as Google.

1.4 More Channel Credibility

Moreover, buying a monetized YouTube channel grants channels greater credibility on YouTube. This is because monetized channels are considered professional and credible by audiences and advertisers or sponsors alike. Additionally, remember that the greater the channel credibility, the more likely it is for YouTube’s algorithm to recommend your YouTube channels and videos to audiences. This leads us to the absolute advantage of buying a monetized YouTube channel.

1.5 Greater Discoverability 

Finally, buying a monetized YouTube channel increases your channel’s discoverability. First, this is because the YouTube algorithm is notorious for recommending videos from monetized channels. Second, this is because monetized channels are more beneficial for YouTube than non-monetized channels. They are also considered more professional.

How to Start a YouTube Cash Cow Channel?

Moreover, have you ever heard of a cash cow channel? 

A cash cow channel is a faceless channel made with the sole purpose of generating revenue. This is, in fact, a common practice as many people create and sell cash cow channels. Well, if you’re looking to get into the business, you could start with buying a monetized YouTube channel. This would allow you to cross the monetization eligibility for YouTube and immediately start making money through your cash cow YouTube channel.


In a nutshell, buying a monetized YouTube channel carries several benefits and perks for content creators and businesses on YouTube. Firstly, they can cross the monetization eligibility, set at 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in the previous year. They can also immediately start making money through ad revenue, channel memberships, the YouTube Merch Shelf, Super Chat and Super Stickers, and the YouTube Premium revenue.

Furthermore, buying a monetized YouTube channel also results in greater credibility and visibility for your YouTube channel. This is because audiences and advertisers or sponsors consider monetized channels with in-stream ads as more professional and credible. In addition, one’s discoverability also increases on YouTube because the YouTube algorithm is more likely to recommend monetized channels and their videos than non-monetized ones. 

Finally, if you’re looking to start a cash cow YouTube channel, buying a monetized YouTube channel may be an excellent idea because you can immediately start making money. However, to learn more about cash cow YouTube channels or buy monetized YouTube channel, you can get in touch with our YouTube team here at AudienceGain. AudienceGain specializes in YouTube marketing techniques and shortcuts. 

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